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Requirements after acceptance

Acceptance deadline

April 15th is the nationally accepted deadline for graduate student acceptance for offers of admission and financial aid. UNM’s Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences respects this deadline.

Background: The vast majority of ASHA-accredited programs – including ours – are members of an organization called the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD). CAPCSD has set a national April 15th deadline for student acceptance of admission and financial aid offers, and all CAPCSD members are expected to adhere to this deadline. Any student asked to respond to an offer of admission or financial aid before April 15th is encouraged to remind the program of this deadline and request an extension until April 15th.

Further information:


Once you've accepted the offer of admission

The Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, an ASHA/CAA accredited program, has the responsibility to ensure that its graduates can become fully competent and caring speech-language pathologists who function in a broad variety of clinical situations and render a wide spectrum of patient care. Therefore the department requires that students who are offered admission provide the following prior to enrollment in the program:

A signed Core Functions form

The department’s Essential Functions document outlines the five areas of essential skills and attributes candidates are expected to have. The Essential Functions document must be reviewed, signed, and included with the memo of intent to enroll for applicants who receive letters informing them that the department is recommending them for admission to the program.

Within one month of accepting our offer of admission, you must complete the following:

Background check

Current immunizations

Evidence of current immunizations is essential to enrollment in the program due to the health and safety needs for clients and requirements of clinical placement sites. HSC/Clinical Students :: Student Health and Counseling | The University of New Mexico (

Acceptance of Offer of Admission fee

Students who accept an offer of admission into our graduate program must submit a payment of $500 with their acceptance letter. This fee is applied to the first semester’s tuition. The $500 fee is refundable once a student has accepted admission into the program. It will not be refunded if a student accepts, then rescinds their admission. The Department will accept a check that can be mailed to:

Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences
1700 Lomas Blvd. NE Suite 1300
Albuquerque, NM 87106

To pay by credit card, students can use the following secure link and select "SHS Grad Student Deposit". There is a fee to pay by credit card, which increases the fee amount to $520.00. SHS Grad Student Deposit